Acquisitions & Divestitures

  1. For a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Swedish multinational, initiated, assisted and advised in negotiations leading to the acquisition of a Canadian company.
  2. For a Finnish manufacturer; initiated, assisted in the negotiations, and acted as advisors in the acquisition of a U.S. company.
  3. For a pharmaceutical company, located a suitable acquisition candidate and provided assistance through acquisition completion.
  4. For a U.S. manufacturer of peat, arranged for their acquisition by a Finnish company.
  5. For a Canadian bottler of water, sold a local bottling plant and water source in The Eastern Townships, Quebec, Canada.
  6. For an American manufacturer of flow meters, sold the complete facility to a mid western manufacturer in the same industry.
  7. For a Finnish multinational, prepared Prospectus and conducted the search for a buyer for their 60% interest in a Canadian manufacturer of survival products.
  8. For the Swiss majority owner of a Canadian manufacturer of foot care products, located a suitable buyer and negotiated divestiture of the company.
  9. For a pharmaceutical manufacturer, provided assistance in locating potential buyers for both product and subsidiary divestitures.
  10. For a public traded Canadian automation and controls company located a suitable acquisition candidate and provided assistance through acquisition completion.

Consumer Market Research

  1. For the State of Florida, U.S.A.; provided critical market information that enabled the successful launch of frozen orange juice into Canada.
  2. Each September for seven years, obtained 1500 completed interviews from consumers across Canada with respect to purchase habits and general market information relevant to the female undergarment industry.
  3. For a national association of communication companies, an extensive national study was done to identify long distance calling habits and test the concept of "between friends".
  4. Conducted shared cost consumer market research for three of the major competitors in the food retail industry on a quarterly basis for three years. One thousand interviews were obtained per quarter, for each major urban area.
  5. For one of the largest food manufacturers in North America, conducted a consumer product image test which helped management with a decision involving a multi-million dollar acquisition.
  6. For the largest Canadian manufacturer of tobacco products, handled tracking of consumer smoking habits, changes, and opinions monthly for a period of seven years. Sample size was 1500 completed interviews per month.
  7. For a health care multinational, undertook a consumer survey for vitamins and for shampoos.
  8. For a Swiss licensor, conducted consumer focus group research on foot care needs and product usage.
  9. For a passenger railway; performed a concept test on a new service.
  10. For a major urban city newspaper, collected data used to restructure the Business Section.

Industrial Market Research

  1. For a Finnish group of companies, researched the U.S. market for pumps and meters related to district heating.
  2. For a manufacturer of industrial curtainwall, conducted a Study of the market in the United States.
  3. For the Government of Canada, conducted a Study of the implications of a single European market on Canada's forest products industry.
  4. For a Danish manufacturer of plastic products, conducted an overview Study regarding the packaging of frozen vegetables in Canada.
  5. For a Danish builder of bridges and dams, investigated the North Eastern United States market for possible entry strategies.
  6. For a Finnish manufacturer of radio modem, conducted an overview Study of the North American market.
  7. For a Finnish manufacturer of liner board, conducted an overview Study of the North American market.
  8. For a Canadian manufacturer of bushings analyzed the North American market for solid cast epoxy bushings.
  9. For the United States Department of Agriculture analyzed all products, producers and channels of distribution of the Canadian dairy industry.
  10. For the CRTC collected attitudes and opinions from every radio station in the country on rules and regulations regarding the Canadian radio industry.

Business Plans & Marketing Plans

  1. For a developer of games, prepared Business Plan to present to Nintendo and Gameboy.
  2. Prepared a five year Business Plan for entering the United States market for a manufacturer of electronically actuated controls for toilets, urinals, faucets, and showers.
  3. For a software sales and installation organization with offices in three N. American cities, prepared an integrated Business Plan covering all sites.
  4. For a multinational provider of emergency (911) software and services, prepared a forecasting and financial model to evaluate proposed entry into the Eastern European market.
  5. For a Danish multinational, prepared a Business Plan in support of establishing a grass roots manufacturing facility in N. America.
  6. For an engineering firm specializing in industrial automation, prepared corporate 5-Year Business Plan.
  7. For a developer of vertical information systems for medical specialists, prepared a business plan for use in attracting investors.
  8. Prepared a 5-Year Business Plan for a manufacturer of male cosmetics and skin care preparations.
  9. For the bioindustrial division of a Danish multinational, assisted in identifying the steps to be undertaken to address a "planning gap" that was foreseen for ten-to-fifteen years in the future.
  10. For a laboratory servicing industrial needs, designed a Business Plan explaining the benefits of franchising the service internationally.

Situation Analysis

  1. For a manufacturer of decorative architectural glass products, provided a critical appraisal of the company's activities and made recommendations for improvement.
  2. For an industrial automation consultancy, provided an assessment of the company's marketing and sales activities.
  3. For a shipping company, prepared an evaluation of the organization's structure & personnel and made recommendations for improvement.
  4. For a provider of services to victims of violent crimes, provided critical appraisal of the company's marketing efforts and suggestions for performance improvement.
  5. For the U.S. subsidiary of a Finnish company, evaluated communications problems between the parent & subsidiary firms, and made recommendations as to how communications could be improved.
  6. For the owner of snowplow manufacturing facilities in Canada and the U.S.A., conducted an evaluation of the business situation and long range prospects for the U.S. subsidiary, and examined distribution alternatives.
  7. For a subsidiary of a Finnish multinational's decorative & functional glassware division, conducted an evaluation of the Company's sales and marketing effort.
  8. For a leading expert on MRP, provided critical analysis of the company's sales & marketing efforts and made recommendations as to how these efforts could be improved.
  9. For a manufacturer of health care products, provided commentary and critical analysis of strategic issues and alternatives facing the company.
  10. For a textile manufacturer, analyzed declining market and made recommendations as to how to remain viable despite the market situation.

Recruiting & Distributor Search

  1. For a major Bank, recruited small business owners for a course the Bank was providing about Exporting.
  2. For a manufacturer of gears utilized by the Pulp & Paper industry, recruited a General Manager.
  3. For a manufacturer of industrial curtainwall, located and recruited a suitable Manager to head-up the U.S. sales operation.
  4. For a Finnish Electronics/Instrumentation firm, conducted a search for a suitable Canadian Distributor.
  5. For an Italian pasta manufacturer, identified suitable distributors for Canada and the U.S.
  6. For this manufacturer of private label health & beauty aid products, conducted search for a manufacturer's agent to handle the North Central United States.
  7. For the inventor of a method to recharge throwaway alkaline batteries, conducted a search for a North American licensee(s).
  8. For the world's leading manufacturer of underwater video camera housings, conducted a search for suitable distributors in North America and abroad.
  9. For a Swiss company, assumed responsibility for negotiation of Distributorship Agreements with selected U.S. candidates.
  10. For a Finnish supplier to the ship building industry, recruited a suitable Distributor for the South Eastern United States.

Process Consulting

  1. For the Continuing Education Department of a leading Canadian University, provide lecturing services for marketing research, services marketing, and introductory marketing courses.
  2. For a financial services conglomerate, developed marketing system for cross-selling financial services.
  3. For a company specializing in the commercialization of products deriving from Canadian medical research institutions, conducted preliminary evaluations of marketing potential.
  4. A leading distributor of accounting software products out-sourced their marketing & sales management function to us for two years.
  5. For a Danish company, provided an assessment the performance of senior Management personnel at their U.S. subsidiary.
  6. For the Canadian subsidiary of a major German international research based pharmaceutical operation; provided training for front line staff in the area of product forecasting.
  7. For the veterinary products subsidiary of a major French multinational, prepared annual unit forecast and Pareto analysis leading to discontinuation of slow-moving and/or obsolete products.
  8. For a manufacturer of flexographic printing inks, provided general advice and consulting services on retainer.
  9. For a subsidiary of one of the largest companies in Denmark, provided assistance in obtaining Government (FDA) clearance to market medical devices in the U.S.
  10. For a Canadian Investment Bank, provided on-going consulting to 20 of their clients interested in exporting to the United States.

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